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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
August 18, 2006

Turn away from evil and do what is right!1 Strive for peace and promote it!2
Psalm 34:14 (NET Bible®*)

In scripture, we are told over and over again of the importance of changing our lives, turning from evil ways to what is right. The theme is repeated in different ways in different passages, and the words may not always be translated into English the same way. But it is clearly one of the key themes in scripture.

In this passage, we are given the general theme and then one particular application. We are told to “strive for peace and promote it” or “seek peace and pursue it.” Peace should be a passion for the follower of the Prince of Peace. We are not just to be for peace in theory; we are to actively promote or pursue it. We will be led to different ways of doing this, and may focus at different levels (personal, community, international, etc.), but it is not presented as optional.

Are you turning from evil ways to the good? How are you pursuing peace?

Bill Samuel

1 Or “do good.”
2 Heb “seek peace and pursue it.”

* Scripture quoted by permission. NET Bible® ©1996-2005 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C.

©2006 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 26-Aug-2006 20:53:38 EDT