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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
February 7, 2015

[NOTE: This message was originally published February 8, 2003.]
The Lord doesn't care about
the strength of horses or powerful armies.
The Lord is pleased only
with those who worship him and trust his love.

Psalm 147:10-11 (CEV*)

In this world, individuals, groups and nations seek to be powerful; to have strength that intimidates others. They are proud of such worldly power. The psalmist tells us that the Lord is not impressed by this. It's not what He cares about.

What God is looking for is something quite different. God is pleased by those who devote themselves to worshipping Him, and who trust in His love. Such people do not necessarily look strong in the eyes of the world. But they have what is truly important.

The strength of this world often leads to bullying and living by the "might makes right" doctrine. Those who please the Lord live a compassionate life of service to God and others. Their trust is in God rather than in military might, physical strength, wealth or position.

We each need to examine our own values. We need to look not mainly at what we profess, but what we show by the way we live our lives. Do we make worshipping God a top priority? Do we manifest in our lives trust in God's love?

Bill Samuel

* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.

©2003, 2015 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 14-Feb-2015 19:14:45 EST