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Using the Bible

The Bible offers us many ways to deepen our spiritual sensitivity and to live more closely with God. We in Friends in Christ approach Scripture in a particular manner for our classes. We see the Bible as a gateway to the ultimate Teacher, the living presence of God in Jesus Christ. Our goal then is to develop a present, vital relationship with God, who teaches, heals and guides us. Thus, we use the Bible not so much as a text of rules and teachings, but more as a doorway or window to the Divine. The point of a doorway is to pass through to your destination. So it is for us with the Bible. Our destination is a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

This approach to Scripture has been described as a way of cultivating friendship with Christ. As in any friendship, understanding is important. Yet, for a loving relationship, openness, listening and trust are even more essential. We approach the Bible with careful listening to Christ, as He speaks in the words of Scripture and in the stirring of our hearts. We bring our complete selves to this relationship, with all our longings and needs, as well as our strengths and experiences. Our hearts are as involved as our minds. This is more a journey of prayer than intellectual analysis.

This approach to Scripture has been used by Christians for many centuries. It has been known under the term lectio divina. We invite you to participate in this wonderful journey into relationship.

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Friends in Christ
11445 Neelsville Church Road
Germantown, MD 20876-4145

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Document last modified on Saturday, 18-Aug-2012 20:39:07 EDT