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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
December 21, 2000

Mary said, "I am the Lord's servant! Let it happen as you have said."
Luke 1:38 (CEV*)

As we approach the time when much of the Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus, let's look at this time when an angel told Mary she would become pregnant.

Mary was a young woman, probably in her early teens, who was engaged to a fine man, Joseph. It would be a real scandal for her to be pregnant, and Joseph would be entitled to break off their engagement. In her society, the most likely result would be that she would be a disgraced woman whom no man would want to marry, having to raise her child alone.

If you were in Mary's situation, would you be so accepting of this message from an angel? Knowing the probable consequences, would you be so ready to trust that the Holy Spirit knew what it was doing and that you would indeed be blessed by this circumstance, as the angel said? Would you be ready to sing Mary's song of praise (Luke 1:46-55)?

We rightly look to Mary as a good example of a faithful person, willing to do what God would have her to do. We will not be asked to do exactly what Mary was, but God may well call us to do things that could open us to society's ridicule and take us far from our comfort zone. If we accept God's call on our life, despite the many challenges and difficulties we may well face, we can indeed feel blessed to be the Lord's servant as did Mary.

How is God calling on you to serve? Do you accept God's call as a blessing, and sing praises to God for the opportunity to serve?

Bill Samuel

* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.

©2000 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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