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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
July 30, 2005
You are merciful, Lord!
You are kind and patient and always loving.
You are good to everyone,
and you take care of all your creation.
Psalm 145:8-9 (CEV*)
What is the character of God? The psalmist here notes the traits of mercy, kindness, patience and love. Such traits are revealed by the Lord being good to everyone and taking care of all creation.
Like the psalmist, we need to be full of awareness of the nature of God, and thankful at the ways it is revealed in our lives and in the world at large. This is the starting point, not the ending point, for us.
We need to model our lives after the character of our God, and prayerfully consider how God would transform us into a clearer image of the divine nature. How could we show more mercy? How could we be kinder, more patient and more consistently loving? Do we manifest God's character in how we treat everyone, not just those it is easy to be good to? Do we show care for all creation, including not only all people, but also animals and the rest of the environment?
Bill Samuel
* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.
©2005 Friends in Christ, Inc.
Friends in Christ
11445 Neelsville Church Road
Germantown, MD 20876-4145
Document last modified on Saturday, 06-Aug-2005 19:03:30 EDT