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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
April 7, 2007

     The women were afraid and bowed to the ground. But the men said, “Why are you looking in the place of the dead for someone who is alive? Jesus isn't here! He has been raised from death. Remember that while he was still in Galilee, he told you, 'The Son of Man will be handed over to sinners who will nail him to a cross. But three days later he will rise to life.'” Then they remembered what Jesus had said.
     Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and some other women were the ones who had gone to the tomb. When they returned, they told the eleven apostles and the others what had happened. The apostles thought it was all nonsense, and they would not believe.

Luke 24:5-11 (CEV*)

Resurrection can be a hard thing to believe. Still today there are those who think it all nonsense, and will not believe. Blessed are those who believe the witness of scripture and the Holy Spirit, and rejoice in the reality of the resurrection.

With the believers of two millenia, let us raise our voices and greet one another with, “He is risen! He is risen indeed!”

Bill Samuel

* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.

©2007 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 14-Apr-2007 20:40:10 EDT