Friends in Christ Weekly Message
October 17, 2009
Who has put wisdom in the innermost being
Or given understanding to the mind?
Job 38:36 (NASB*)
I have picked out one verse in a response of the Lord to Job with many such questions. The Lord's rhetorical questions point out the foolishness of humans challenging the ways of God.
We need to learn to be humble, accepting the ways of God, aware that we can not possibly come to a full understanding of them in this life. When we blame God for something that seems wrong to us, we are in the ridiculous posture of assuming we know better than God does (and that we can always determine what is a result of God's will). And we are assuming we understand the larger context and ramifications of the event that is our focus, when in fact we only have at best a very partial glimpse.
The story of Job is difficult for us to grasp. I have heard people say that the main message of the Old Testament is, I'm God, you're not. This message seems to be shouted in Job. But we need to be constantly reminded that we are not God, and that we are in very dangerous territory when we act like we are.
* New American Standard Bible ©1960-1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
©2009 Friends in Christ, Inc.
Friends in Christ
11445 Neelsville Church Road
Germantown, MD 20876-4145
Document last modified on Saturday, 24-Oct-2009 21:32:06 EDT