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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
January 16, 2010
Six stoneware water pots were there, used by the Jews for ritual washings. Each held twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus ordered the servants, Fill the pots with water. And they filled them to the brim.
Now fill your pitchers and take them to the host, Jesus said, and they did.
When the host tasted the water that had become wine (he didn't know what had just happened but the servants, of course, knew), he called out to the bridegroom, Everybody I know begins with their finest wines and after the guests have had their fill brings in the cheap stuff. But you've saved the best till now!
This act in Cana of Galilee was the first sign Jesus gave, the first glimpse of his glory. And his disciples believed in him.
John 2:6-11 (Message*)
John records this as the first sign, or miracle, that Jesus performed. It took place in an obscure corner of the country at a very ordinary event, a marriage.
Jesus transformed ordinary water into fine wine. Likewise, Christ can transform us from undistinguished people full of faults into His likeness. What does it take? At Cana, it took following Christ's direction. The same is true for us.
Bill Samuel
* The Message version ©1993-2002 by Eugene H. Peterson.
©2010 Friends in Christ, Inc.
Friends in Christ
11445 Neelsville Church Road
Germantown, MD 20876-4145
Document last modified on Saturday, 23-Jan-2010 20:02:20 EST