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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
November 26, 2011

What I say to you, I say to all: Stay alert!
Mark 13:37 (CEB*)

What is the message of Advent? This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, and this verse is from one of the lectionary readings for the day. Is the Advent message to be alert to the coming of our savior, the redeemer, the messiah? That seems an appropriate message for the season.

The calling of the Christian is not to go to church once a week and then go about the rest of the time just like any other person. Our calling is to be constantly alert to God's calling; to be always ready to respond to God. Our whole lives are to be lived in the hope that God brings.

There is an interesting commentary today by a seminary professor in The Huffington Post about the entire lectionary passage of which I have quoted just the last verse. If you want to reflect further on the passage, you might want to read it.

Bill Samuel

* Common English Bible ©2011 Common English Bible.

©2011 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 10-Dec-2011 21:03:28 EST