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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
August 2, 2014

[NOTE: This message was originally published August 1, 2002.]
If you are thirsty, come and drink water!
If you don't have any money, come, eat what you want!
Drink wine and milk without paying a cent.
Why waste your money on what really isn't food?
Why work hard for something that doesn't satisfy?
Listen carefully to me,
and you will enjoy the very best foods.

Isaiah 55:1-2 (CEV*)

This is part of the Isaiah's messianic prophecy. He uses typical metaphors for the spiritual life. The fulfillment of the messianic prophecy is seen in Jesus' offering the living water (John 7:38) and the bread of life (John 6:35).

Isaiah is indicating the grace of God. This is a free gift, offered to all. Many try to work hard for satisfaction in life, and pour out their hard earned money for material wellbeing. All this effort is ultimately unsatisfying.

What do we need to do to receive what is truly satisfying? "Listen carefully to me" (the messiah). It is not frenetic activity which leads to the living water and the bread of life. In fact, that is an obstacle. We need to be still and listen to what the Living Word, Christ Jesus, is speaking to us. We need to come to Him and receive what is freely given.

Dear friends, do not waste your time and energy in the activities that the world associates with success. Take time to really listen to God's voice. Drink from the fountain that never runs dry, and eat of the bread of life. The best things of life really are free, but you need to recognize and accept the gifts.

Bill Samuel

* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.

©2002, 2014 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 16-Aug-2014 21:42:17 EDT