Friends in Christ Weekly Message
June 22, 2000
Shout praises to the Lord!
He is good to us, and his love never fails.
Psalm 107:1 (CEV*)
This verse speaks to the heart of worship and the heart of the Christian life. We need to live a life of thankfulness for the blessings the Lord bestows upon us because of his unfailing love for us.
Now we can not do that unless we recognize the love of God and the blessings we receive. If we don't make a regular time in our lives to pause for prayer and devotions, we can be oblivious to God's blessings. We need to look at things through eyes of faith, not the eyes of the world.
We need to recognize that experiencing God's love and blessings doesn't mean our life will be easy and comfortable. It rather means that we trust in God and are confident in all circumstances because we understand that we rest in divine love and need not be afraid. We have hope no matter how bleak things may look from a worldly perspective because we know God's promises and know that God is always faithful. We do not rely upon the things the world offers for security and contentment.
I remember a time when I was very down and disheartened because of difficulties with relationships in my office. Then I recalled the hymn, Count Your Blessings, Name Them One by One. In my depressed state, I found it hard to name my blessings at first. But once I got started, I was filled with a sense of how blessed I was and found my blessings were more than I could count. And when I went back to the office the next day, the relationships seemed healed and never again were so difficult. The change in perspective made a world of difference in my experience.
You are loved by one who can love more fully than any human and who delights in showering you with blessings. Live in that love and revel in the blessings. Not only will this bring you joy, but it will make you a light to those around you opening them to the same truth in which you live.
Praise God!
Bill Samuel
* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.
©2000 Friends in Christ, Inc.
Friends in Christ
11445 Neelsville Church Road
Germantown, MD 20876-4145
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