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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
January 21, 2006

     Once again the Lord told Jonah to go to that great city of Nineveh and preach his message of doom.
     Jonah obeyed the Lord and went to Nineveh. The city was so big that it took three days just to walk through it. After walking for a day, Jonah warned the people, "Forty days from now, Nineveh will be destroyed!"
     They believed God's message and set a time when they would go without eating to show their sorrow. Then everyone in the city, no matter who they were, dressed in sackcloth.

     When God saw that the people had stopped doing evil things, he had pity and did not destroy them as he had planned.

Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (CEV*)
There are several things we might take from this passage:
  • God cares for great cities,
  • God sends messengers to warn those who are engaged in evil,
  • people - even whole cities of them - can repent and turn from their evil ways, and
  • God will be merciful to those who repent and turn to God.
We live in a time when there are many great cities, and when there is much evil. What lessons does this passage teach us which are applicable to our lives today? Prayerfully consider this.

Bill Samuel

* Contemporary English Version ©1995 American Bible Society.

©2006 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 18-Feb-2006 16:44:50 EST