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Friends in Christ Weekly Message
June 19, 2010

     Later, a great many people from the Gerasene countryside got together and asked Jesus to leave - too much change, too fast, and they were scared. So Jesus got back in the boat and set off. The man whom he had delivered from the demons asked to go with him, but he sent him back, saying, “Go home and tell everything God did in you.” So he went back and preached all over town everything Jesus had done in him.
Luke 8:37-39 (Message*)

What Jesus did for and in the man with the demons was powerful. For many people in the area, it was scary so they asked Jesus to leave. Does the power of the Living Christ ever scare you?

The man who was delivered wanted to stay with Jesus. He was not afraid of Jesus but he might have been afraid of those around him.

Jesus told the man to go home and tell people what God did in him. It is important that the stories of Christ's work within us be shared. Do you tell others about what God has done in you?

Bill Samuel

* The Message version ©1993-2002 by Eugene H. Peterson.

©2010 Friends in Christ, Inc.

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Document last modified on Saturday, 26-Jun-2010 20:03:53 EDT